Unraid is great, there’s no doubt about that. But to benefit from everything Unraid offers, you might want to install a few supplementary tools. On this page, you will find guides on what I recommend and software reviews.
Mosquitto | MQTT
How to install an MQTT broker (Mosquitto) on Unraid
This article will guide you through the installation of the Mosquitto MQTT broker on Unraid.
MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
How to install Zigbee2MQTT on Unraid
Using this guide you can learn how exactly to install Zigbee2MQTT on your Unraid server using Docker
Backup | Bvckup 2 | Windows Software
Bvckup 2 review: The easiest backup tool ever
Backup 2 is the simplest unidirectional file synchronization you’ll have ever seen and yet it still packs a punch.