
AMD | ARM | Intel | Raspberry Pi

Can Unraid run on a Raspberry Pi?

Considering the Raspberry Pi 4, has a decent CPU, 8 GB of RAM, and gigabit Ethernet, it does beg the question: Can Unraid run on a Raspberry Pi?

Is Unraid worth it?

The most frequently asked question about Unraid is whether it is worth the price it costs to purchase. For three reasons, I can confidently claim it is.

A hard drive used in Unraid
Crypto | Cryptomining | Storage

Cryptocurrency-miners are coming for our hard drives and SSDs

The upcoming release of the Chia cryptocurrency might lead to a shortage of SSDs and hard drives, which spells bad news for data hoarders.

AMD | Dream Build | Fractal Design | Nvidia

My Unraid dream build (early 2020)

My Unraid dream build would provide me with ample storage space, a lot of computing power, and data security.